Climathon: 24 hours of prototyping the future of climate tech.

Transformative Coalition

10 Weeks | Berlin


As climate change is affecting our cities, we partnered with Climate-KIC to host Germany’s biggest climate hackathon, where young professionals from Berlin were prototyping solutions for mobility, extreme water events, and sustainability in buildings within 24 hours.

More than 120 people participated in the hackathon, supported by experts and renowned jury members.


The worldwide Climathon has been taking place in cities on an international level for years. Its core focus is on how to create a more sustainable and climate-friendly environment for people to live in, how to enhance sustainability in everyday life and to make cities resilient to climate change. We came in to develop four challenges that target the city of Berlin.

Our Role

Together with Climate-KIC, we developed a 24-hour hackathon program to be hosted in Berlin’s Futurium. Along with partners like EDGE, Einstein Center Digital Future, Open Source Lab and Lichtblick we set up four challenges targeting the fields of office waste, extreme weather events, intergenerational interaction and mobility.



Climathon Berlin set a standard of its own being one of Germany’s largest hackathons for climate with over 120 participants working on solutions for their city. Two teams kept working on their solutions, one of them bringing their idea to different water management stakeholders in Berlin.

Worldwide Climathon

from Berlin to Mexico City.

24 hours

hacking for climate solutions.

120 participants

from all kinds of professional backgrounds.


Watch the After Movie

Watch our program, listen to some of the participant voices and explore the Futurium on the inside.




#WirVsVirus Hackathon


City ABC